Monday, 2 August 2010

Yes you can

It’s going to be my birthday soon –and I wanted to do something really fun like wing walking so, with best intentions decided to give up smoking and get fit. Did you ever wonder how some people find it so easy to remain motivated, positive and focused while others don’t? I know I do. Because it’s just not that easy is it?

When ‘’M’ returned from WPC (and still no gossip from the bond night) she was talking about the keynote speech given by President Bill Clinton. He asked everyone to think about the impact of the IT revolution and what part they can play in achieving equality around the globe. She said his enthusiasm was really quite contagious and everyone was talking about it afterwards. But how is he going to keep that momentum going? Clinton did say he is on Facebook and answers question on the social network site. “We actually do tweets from time to time to keep people up with what we’re doing, which I never thought I would do”, he said.

So, it got me thinking about the students I support and what I can do to help. We have student forums and I often pop in and out to offer a bit of advice and like President Clinton we actually tweet from time to time and the tutors are great when the students need a little more help as IT certification can be quite complicated at times.

But what else helps?

I would like your thoughts – what keeps you enthusiastic about the changes you have committed to? How do you keep yourself motivated when things get tough?

Add your comments and let me know.


  1. It makes me wonder if a move to cloud will single handedly reduce or eradicate the employment market for IT Pros. At the same time, will exams like the A+ and the MCP suite also become outdated?

  2. Thats a little cynical. We all know that technology moves at an alarming rate and keeping skills updated is key.
