Friday, 23 July 2010

It’s going to get cloudy……..

So, what is all this hype around Cloud computing, what is it and why is everyone talking about how it will revolutionise the way organisations operate.

With the global economy taking a bashing and technology evolving at an alarming rate having the technical infrastructure to operate in today’s business market can be a daunting prospect – it is not easy to forcast with accuracy the requirments needed to operate successfully and at the same time take into account the fluctuating demand on resource?

Well that’s where Cloud computing takes over. It has been described as hosting with a difference – the difference being you can have as little or as much as you want when you want for as long as you want. The infrastructure is there, developed, maintained and updated by a third party so all a user needs is a computer with internet access.

It was apparent at this year’s WPC that Microsoft see the Cloud as something to be taken seriously and it is the bed-rock of their strategy moving forward. CEO, Steve Ballmer and COO, Kevin Turner both addressed cloud-computing in their keynote speech with Turner stating that Microsoft’s big goal for the next couple of decades was “continuous cloud service for every person and every business”.

Corporate VP Jon Roskill, taking over the Microsoft Partner Programme this year from Allison Watson, spoke passionately about Microsoft’s collaboration with partners saying that “together we're going to succeed in this transformation to cloud”.

Computeach will be following progress in this area closely over the next few months and as always we will keep you all in the loop.

Drop your comments in the box as we would like to have your thoughts.

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